Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shepard Fairey

One of my favorite artists is Shepard Fairey. Whether you realize it or not, you have seen some of his art. He created that famous Obama Hope poster. He is really cool and best of all, he is from South Carolina!! Check him out.


  1. We both share an interest in Shepard Fairey. I hope you've checked out some of the posts made on the main blog that deal with the litigation surrounding him and copyrights.

  2. I just read the link you posted about it. It is total crap! He shouldn't be sued for copyright infringement just for something as small as that! People do that kind of stuff all the time and there isn't always a lawsuit. That really ticks me off. Thanks for sharing Brandt.

  3. Very true Cannon, people are just paying more attention to his case because his artwork was more successful.
